Welcome to the Office of Dr. Charles H. Miranda
Primary Care and Concierge Medical Practice
South Denver Internal Medicine is a concierge medical practice specializing in primary care internal medicine, located in Lone Tree, Colorado. Dr. Charles Miranda a board certified internal medicine physician and well known concierge medical provider in the Denver, Colorado area, provides health programs for patients interested in maximizing their overall wellness through personalized health care.
Caring for a smaller number of patients allows us to spend more time with you, pursue your medical issues in more depth, and practice prevention. It provides us the time to coordinate your care in the hospital and with specialists. You can be assured of same or next day appointments that start on time and are not rushed. This old fashioned style of practice provides us the opportunity to place the focus back on the patient-doctor relationship. Perhaps more importantly during these times of healthcare uncertainty, our program offers reassurance and peace of mind that when you need us we will be available and accessible to care for you.
Dr. Charles Miranda has over 20 years of experience providing personalized primary care for his patients, including many doctors, nurses, executives, and business owners. His comprehensive approach to medicine with an emphasis on preventive health and disease management has earned him the trust of many professionals in the area and recognition in Denver’s 5280 Magazine’s “Top Docs.”
Whether you are completely healthy or have medical conditions, there is no better investment you can make than in your health. A primary care physician who really knows you and is always there for you is the key to the personalized care you deserve. Membership in our concierge program is limited. Contact South Denver Internal Medicine in Lone Tree, Colorado at (303) 799-8890 to learn more.
Why Choose a Concierge Practice?
For those interested in a greater focus on prevention and wellness and for those who would like to spend more time with their doctor.
Learn About Our Metabolic
& Exercise Testing
Knowing your individual metabolic rate and fitness level is the basis of a successful weight loss program.